Our Focus
- To liaise and harmonize specific policies in geo-political and socio-economic activities of the African Union in the Southern Region;
- To ensure regular consultations with the RECs in the region;
- To establish working relationship within the Southern Africa Region
- To spearhead, initiate and review the African Union activities and policies taking into account the constant changing world trends
- To represent the AU in the Southern Africa region;
- To increase awareness about the AU, its mission and its work in the region;
- To support the Exchange of Information between Southern African countries and other countries of the Africa Union;
- To counter, when necessary, media distortions about developments and events in Southern Africa;
- To deal with issues which foster and promote cohesion, solidarity and unity;
- To promote unity, solidarity and enhance Pan-African spirit in the Southern African Region
- To participate in other consultations of interest to the AU.
- To monitor political developments of concern to African countries in the Southern Africa region;
- To ensure that Southern Africa activities on Refugees, Health, Immigration and Natural Disasters receive quick attention from the African Union;
- To follow-up on issues relating to early warning systems in Southern Africa