
On 28th March 2024, The AU-SARO in collaboration with AU organs such as ECOSOCC and Africa CDC, as well as University of Zambia and COMESA organized an AU Model Summit Public Lecture at the University of Zambia, showcasing a focused dialogue on Agenda 2063, AU flagship projects, and the role of civil society in education policy implementation. This event formed part of an ongoing series of educational and policy-driven engagements aimed at fostering resilient education systems for inclusive, lifelong, quality, and relevant learning across Africa, thereby addressing challenges in education financing and contributing effectively to the continent's socio-economic growth.

The Public lecture is part of the popularization of  AU Programmes in the region and is expected to give visibility for the AU and its organs such as Africa CDC, ECOSOCC in addition to raising awareness on the AU Agenda 2063, foster dialogue and impart knowledge to students and the public on the AU approaches towards the education and higher institutions of learning according to this year's AU Theme of the year Education; “Educate an African fit for the 21st Century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality, and relevant learning in Africa”.

The event was attended by representatives from the African Union Organs and Agencies, representatives from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Zambia, the Dean of African Group of Ambassadors in Zambia, representatives from COMESA, UNECA, OXFAM, staff and students from The University of Zambia, and various media outlets. The conference was officially opened by the Permanent Secretary from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Zambia, Honourable Joel Kamoko, representing Honourable Douglas Munsaka Syakalima, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Zambia.

Speaking on behalf of Vice Chancellor, Prof. Mundia Muya, Professor Felix Maseye conveyed their pleasure welcoming everyone to the University of Zambia and to the "Michael Kelly" named room. He expressed gratitude to the African Union for bestowing honour onto the month-old administration by hosting this prestigious public lecture. They acknowledge the value such public lectures add towards advancing human development. Such public lectures are seen as instrumental for university&rsquo;s purpose of serving as birthing place for innovative ideas, which are a product of cutting-edge research.</p>Expanding on the lecture's theme, they emphasize that the education they provide must respond to the unique challenges of the 21st century, preparing graduates who are competent and fit for these challenges. He concluded with an acknowledgment of Africa's many inspiring stories of resilience and expressed hopes of learning from the lectureto advance the education sector.</p>

In his speech, His Excellency Amb. David Claude Pierre, Permanent Representative of African Union to Southern Africa(SADC and COMESA) highlighted that maintenance of strong diplomatic ties and the promotion of the AU Agenda 2063 within the Southern Africa region, in collaboration with development partners, intergovernmental organizations, and Member States are among the key missions of AU-SARO. He also shared the various strides made by AU-SARO such as the implementation of several AU programs within the Region.

Lastly the  Public lecture focused on themes relevant to African Union’s education and health strategies as well as policies with presentations  delivered by Dr. Caseley Olabode Stephens from the African Union Commission, Dr. Gowtam Raj Chintaram( ECOSOCC) and Dr. Howard Nyika from Africa CDC.