The African Union Southern Africa Regional Office (AU-SARO) was established in 2001 by the AU Member States. It is a representational office established to develop and maintain constructive and productive relationships between the AU and Member States in the Southern African Region, as well as SADC and COMESA.
One of the main functions of AU-SARO Office is monitoring of political, economic, social and cultural developments in the 16 Member States (MS) in Southern Africa. The AU-SARO also monitors integration and development in SADC and COMESA which are two vital regional bodies towards continental integration.
Staff Members
Ambassador David Claude Pierre
Permanent Representative of AU to Southern Africa, COMESA and SADCMs Myranda Lutempo
Senior Policy OfficerMr Evansie Luscious Nkotima
Finance and Administration OfficerMs Agyedho Adwok Nyaba
Information and Communications OfficerMs Judith Stella Banda
PA to Permanent RepresentativeMr Moses Kalichero
Driver/Mail RunnerMs Marjorie Tauzie
ReceptionistMr Chikumbutso Gangire
Security Guard and Cleaner
African union Southern Africa Regional Office Kang’ombe House 9th Floor P.o Box 30898 Lilongwe 3 Malawi | Agyedho Adwok Nyaba Information and Communication Officer Email:NyabaA@africa-union.org Tel:+265995792667 +254725019852( whatsapp) |